"WB. Walter Benjamin a la (seva) frontera" bé que podria titular-se "L’últim dia de Walter Benjamin". En aquest llibre de foto i text, l’autor recorre físicament la suposada ruta transpirinenca que WB va realitzar el seu darrer dia de vida. Ho documenta amb fotografies realitzades sobre el terreny -just 40 anys després que ho fes el pensador alemany - i amb textos, tant de Benjamin com del propi autor. De Banyuls fins la Fonda de Francia de Portbou podrem resseguir les seves darreres passes i endinsar-nos en la seva manera de pensar i d’entendre el món.
"WB. Walter Benjamin at the (His) Border" could just as well be entitled "Walter Benjamin's Last Day". In this book of photographs and text, the author physically traces the supposedly trans-Pyrenean route WB took on the last day of his life. He documents it with pictures taken on the ground - just 40 years after the German thinker did it - and with texts by both Benjamin and the author himself. From Banyuls to the Fonda de Francia in Portbou we can retrace his last steps and enter into his way of thinking and understanding the world.